My Second Word of Intention and Focus for the Year: Presence
My second word of intention and focus for the year is presence. Presence will guide me to more intentional choices with my attention.
Words of Focus and Intention for the New Year
Instead of making a list of resolutions that won’t last through the end of January, consider the practice of choosing words of intention and focus to guide you through the new year.
How I Used GoodNotes and my Bullet Journal During Breast Cancer Treatment
I used the GoodNotes app to keep track of a lot of information during my breast cancer treatment. I used it as my bullet journal and my information hub.
3 Compelling Reasons to Create a Weekly Plan
Beginning the week with a plan enables us to get an overview of our appointments, review our objectives, and allows us to adjust our schedules if needed.
Specialized Bullet Journal Pages in GoodNotes
Most of the time, my standard daily, weekly, and monthly pages are suitable for my bullet journal in Goodnotes. Sometimes I need to expand my template collection to include more specialized pages.
Monday Morning Meal Planning- Keeping the House Stocked and Ready
Every Monday morning, I sit down with my iPhone and plan the meals for the week. This meal planning routine helps me keep the house stocked and ready with food, which is essential since we haven’t been eating out for the last year.
Mixing up the Morning Routine
Over the last few weeks, I have been mixing up my morning routine. Changing the order of my tasks has helped me increase my productivity and focus on what is essential. I’m still doing many of the same things, but the order is a little different.
Re-Entry Strategies: Back to School and Work after Vacation
Re-entry back into school and work after a vacation can be challenging. Here are some strategies which will help make re-entry smoother.
New Year, New Digital Bullet Journal Notebook
I like to begin each new year with a brand new notebook in my digital bullet journal. It is a great way to start fresh. I’m going to walk you through my process of building a new notebook in GoodNotes.
Design a Peaceful Evening Routine
A peaceful evening routine will allow us to prepare effectively for the day ahead. How do we design an evening routine that will work well for ourselves?