Sunrise photo. Mixing up the morning routine
Productivity and Routines

Mixing up the Morning Routine


Over the last few weeks, I have been mixing up my morning routine. Changing the order of my tasks has helped me increase my productivity and focus on what is essential. I’m still doing many of the same things, but the order is a little different.  

Are you feeling stuck in a rut with your routines? Maybe it is time to mix up your morning routine!

Old Morning Routine

I have had a really relaxed morning routine for many years. I enjoy a slow pace and a ramp into the day. When Dave was traveling regularly, I would enjoy sleeping in and taking my time drinking my coffee and reading my books.  

Since I don’t need to get the boys to school at a specific time or arrive at work by 9AM, that worked well. I could take my time in the mornings.

Last year I was recovering from the fatigue of cancer treatment. I didn’t know how much I could do during the day. If I did too much and got up too early, I would be exhausted and grumpy by dinner time. I also wasn’t sleeping as deeply as I used to. Getting up before 6AM was not going to happen.

Dave hasn’t traveled in a year due to the pandemic, so we have been doing our morning routines together.  He typically has video calls that will start between 8-9AM, so he needs to be showered and ready for those. There has been a time pressure on the weekday mornings to get the morning dog walk done before his calls start.

New Morning Routine

When Dave went back to work in January, we began a new morning routine together, and it has been working really well for us! It is amazing how a little adjustment to when we do things has helped our mornings be more productive and enjoyable!

Earlier Wake-Up

Last year the earliest that I was willing to get out of bed was 6AM. I was exhausted from the radiation treatment, and I was having trouble sleeping. Some nights it would take me nearly an hour to fall asleep.  

Dave would typically wake up sometime between 4-5 AM. There wasn’t an alarm set; he would just be awake and thinking about his day. Sometimes he would get up and sneak downstairs to begin his morning and let me sleep. The beagles would want to follow him, which meant I would need to get up too!

In January, I started setting the alarm for 5:30. This would give us a little more time to do our morning things before his calls began. Since we go to bed between 10 and 10:30, that was still giving me enough sleep. 

Over the last several months, I have been sleeping really well and waking up refreshed. Getting between 7-7 1/2 hours of sleep has been my norm throughout most of my adult life. The fatigue that I experienced during cancer treatment has resolved. I’m grateful to wake up feeling refreshed.

This earlier wake-up time works well for both of us. Dave usually ends up sleeping right up until the alarm goes off. While I would love to sleep in a bit longer, I’m doing well with the earlier wake-up time.

Coffee Time

This is one of my favorite times of the day. The house is quiet, and I can sip my coffee, read a book, and wake up slowly. I could enjoy the time for hours. Dave is always a bit more fast-paced in the mornings. He wakes up much quicker than I do and is ready to go out and do his exercise while I’m still sipping my coffee.  

Dave finishes up his coffee before me and then gets right to his breakfast and exercise. He has been doing AppleFitness Plus lately because it is still dark when he’s ready to exercise. He will head upstairs and start his routine, and I’ll finish up my coffee.  

Breakfast and Dishes

In my previous morning routine, I would try to empty the dishwasher while my oatmeal cooked. I would usually get about halfway done with it and then need to transition to eating breakfast. Sometimes, I could finish the dishwasher before the dog walk, but other times we would need to get right out to walking the dogs.

I have much more time to get things done now because Dave is doing his exercise and showering before we go on the dog walk. So, I’ve changed up the order of my kitchen morning routine. I’ll empty and load the dishwasher before I start cooking my oatmeal. While my breakfast is cooking, I’ll start doing any hand washing that is remaining. Sometimes I’m able to get it all done before my oatmeal is done.

After my breakfast, I still have time before the dog walk. So, I’ll finish the dishes up. It has been great to have a clean kitchen to start the day. I had been washing the pots and pans after my shower, but at times that chore would end up drifting into the afternoon. 

It feels wonderful to get the kitchen work completed before I head out to walk the dog. Plus, because the dishwasher is already emptied, the kids can put their breakfast dishes away immediately.

Writing Time

I am in the middle of working on my second draft of my breast cancer book. My editor has helped me restructure and re-outline the book. I have a strict deadline to get the next draft to her. To meet that timetable, I need to schedule large writing blocks each day to meet the deadline.  

After I’m done with my breakfast, I have time to sit down and work on my writing. I usually have between half an hour and 45 minutes to write before Dave is ready to walk. The schoolroom, which is where my desk is located, is usually still empty. The dogs are sleeping on the couch, and I have no distractions. 

This early writing time has been the most productive writing block that I have all day. It feels fantastic to begin the day with some of my work already done.

Dog Walk

Dave will give me a 10-minute warning when he is ready to walk, and I’m able to get my shoes on and get the dogs ready. We head out on our walk. I imagine we are quite the picture because he is usually walking in his bow tie- ready for work- and I’m in my walking clothes and beanie! I feel a little underdressed next to him.

The walk usually takes 45 minutes, so it is easy to plan to get back in time for his first video call. He is ready to get to work right away, and I can move on to the other things in my morning.

Exercise and Shower

After the walk, I will head upstairs to do an AppleFitness workout of my own and then take my shower. This usually takes about an hour or so. Once I’m showered and dressed, I can head downstairs and see what the school day is like for the kids.

More Writing

I used to do the dishes after my shower. Sometimes, I would get the dishes and the laundry going, and it would be time for lunch. But, I have been doing this before the dog walk. I now have more time available to write! 

Because I have mixed up the morning routine, I can have more writing time in the morning. This is important because I have discovered that it is easier for me to write in the morning. I think more clearly, and the words flow much better. 

A few days this week, I was able to meet my daily writing goal before lunch!

It has been many years since I have had a specific deadline to meet. It is energizing me to have a goal every day. I am mixing up my routines so that I can prioritize the writing work.  

If you feel like you are in a rut, perhaps it is time to think about mixing up your morning routine. Take a look at what you do in the morning, and consider changing the order. You could consider waking up a little earlier. If waking up earlier is not your style, then maybe you could do some of the morning tasks in the evening. That would remove some items off of your to-do list in the morning.

Our routines should be a framework to support our goals and aspirations for the day. If your routine isn’t helping you, then don’t be afraid to mix it up.  

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Jennifer is the author of "A Breast Cancer Journey: Living it One Step at a Time," breast cancer survivor, and patient advocate. Her book, published in 2023 by Bold Story Press, is an encouraging guide for breast cancer patients. It contains first-hand information, organized by topics, to help readers navigate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from breast cancer. Her writing emphasizes emotional, mental, and physical well-being along with empowered decision-making.

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