Why k12.com curriculum
Virtual School and Homeschool

Virtual School Curriculum Choice : Why k12, Part 2


Today is part two of my series on why we chose to use k12.com for our home learning curriculum. If you haven’t read part one yet, here is the link.

Note: I don’t work for k12, and this isn’t a sponsored post.  

I’m excited to wrap up my reasons for choosing k12 today.  This curriculum, along with the great support we receive from our virtual public school, have provided us with a strong foundation in our school at home experience.

What Were Those First Six Reasons?

  1. One Provider for All Subjects
  2. Rigorous, Mastery- based curriculum
  3. Updated Curriculum
  4. Online Learning System 
  5. Phonics Based Approach to Reading
  6. Unified Learning Approach for all Subjects

The Remaining 6 Reasons

7. Integration of Art, History, and Language Arts 

Art, History and Language Arts are all integrated in the elementary grades.  What does this mean?  Well, if you are studying ancient history, you’ll also be reading stories from that time period and also studying ancient art.  This allows your child to build a cultural foundation in his education.  My kids knew about the building of ancient Greece, read the stories of Greek Mythology, and also studied the art of Ancient Greece.  It was fantastic!!!

At the end of every year, we would do an art showcase in the school room.

8. History Taught as a Story

Through the k12 curriculum, your children will make 3 passes through history.  This allows for a building on of knowledge from elementary to high school.  I love how the k12 elementary history curriculum teaches in such an engaging way.  It really tells the story of humans in a way that is much more that just names and dates.  I had one son who would take his history book up to his room to read before bed because he loved that subject so much.  

I considered doing the Classical Method of homeschooling, which also focused on teaching history as a story.  While we ultimately decided to go with k12, one of my favorite things is that the history is taught as a story, much like it is in the Classical method of education.

9. Hands on Science Curriculum 

You will get your hands dirty with the science curriculum!  Right from Kindergarten you will be doing science experiments at home and learning a lot! 

One of many home science experiments we did.

My science education in public school definitely was lacking in comparison to how deep and detailed the k12 curriculum is. I was surprised, and at times overwhelmed, with the sheer number of science experiments the kids would get to do.  

  In elementary and middle school you will get lots of materials sent to your home so that you can do experiments and hands-on learning.  It is a wonderful science curriculum, and you might learn a few things too!

10. Elementary Foreign Language Classes

My kids were able to begin taking a foreign language beginning in 3rd grade.  I have been studying French for many years, and when I discovered that they could begin taking it in elementary school, I jumped at the opportunity!

  It has been great to see how much they understand because they have been taking the language as an elective for so long.  Their pronunciation is quite strong because they have been listening to native speakers through the language program for so many years.

11. High School Curriculum that Offered A-G courses, Honors Classes and AP options

It was really important to me that my kids would be able to apply to our California State college system as a traditional student, not as a homeschooler.  In California, there are specific course guidelines that the high school courses must meet so that the transcript will be accepted. 

With k12, my students have been able to meet those requirements and even take courses at an honors and AP level. I was pleased to see that the k12 curriculum is committed to providing high school teaching and learning at such a high level. 

In High School, the students work directly with a subject matter teacher in each of their classes.  This ensures that there is someone available to answer questions as needed.  It also means that your student’s work will be evaluated by a teacher credentialed in the subject matter they are teaching.

 I especially appreciated this level of instruction, especially in the sciences.  This is the subject area I am the most weak in, so I needed the kids to have access to an experienced teacher.

12. Oversight through a Public Charter

I need accountability.  I also need a support network.  Because k12 offered a partnership with a public charter school, I was able to get that structure.  Additionally, because we chose to use k12 as a public charter, we didn’t pay for the curriculum out of pocket. 

 I was extremely grateful for the devoted teachers and staff at our school when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last year.  My husband was able to take over as the Learning Coach during my treatment and my kids were able to stay on track, even as we were experiencing a family health crisis.  I knew that my kids had the ability to ask for help even when I was out of commission. 

That oversight through a public charter has meant that we need to have a deep commitment to daily learning.  If we don’t log in, I get an email or a phone call.  I appreciate the accountability and support our school provides.

Sending back the boxes at the end of the year.

There are many ways to access the k12.com curriculum.  Their courses are available through public charters throughout the United States.  Their curriculum is available to be purchased as a private homeschooling curriculum.  There are private school options available as well.  

We ended up choosing the public school option because that meant that the curriculum and materials were available to us at no cost.  It does mean that we don’t have the flexibility of traditionally homeschooling, and that we must return some of the curriculum materials at the end of the year. But, as a bonus, I’m not storing years of curriculum materials in my home!!! 

 I hope these posts have helped you understand why we have chosen and stuck with k12 over the years. No curriculum or school choice is perfect, but it has worked well for our family for many years!

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Jennifer is the author of "A Breast Cancer Journey: Living it One Step at a Time," breast cancer survivor, and patient advocate. Her book, published in 2023 by Bold Story Press, is an encouraging guide for breast cancer patients. It contains first-hand information, organized by topics, to help readers navigate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from breast cancer. Her writing emphasizes emotional, mental, and physical well-being along with empowered decision-making.

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