Slowing Down for More Productivity and Peace
Escaping and slowing down is hard. Our always-on apps, notifications, and expectations to respond so quickly to everything don’t help. We are dancing on the line between being productive and stressed out. It is important to slow down when looking for peace.
Productivity Problems? Make It Easy- For You!
Will a new method solve your productivity problems? Not if it isn't easy-- for you. You need a tool that works how you work!
Mixing up the Morning Routine
Over the last few weeks, I have been mixing up my morning routine. Changing the order of my tasks has helped me increase my productivity and focus on what is essential. I’m still doing many of the same things, but the order is a little different.
Re-Entry Strategies: Back to School and Work after Vacation
Re-entry back into school and work after a vacation can be challenging. Here are some strategies which will help make re-entry smoother.
Ask For Help When You Need It!
How are you doing about asking for help? Do you ask your family for help when you need it? Or do you go into martyr mode and get grumpy?
Productivity is Personal: 4 Important Principles
The most effective productivity systems are personal and customized to our lives. Today, I'm going to talk about 4 important principles that will help you develop the best productivity system for you, right now!
Effective Morning Routine : Easy, Efficient, Enjoyable
An effective morning routine is a key that allows you to unlock better days. Â When we start our day with rituals that are easy, efficient, and enjoyable the rest of the day goes so much smoother.