sunrise photo over lake. New Year- new words of intention
Productivity and Routines

New Year, New Words of Intention: Embracing Evolution

As the calendar passes from one year to another, many of us use this time to reflect and set goals for the new year.  I’ve never been one to create a long list of resolutions, but last year I began a practice of choosing some words of intention for the year.  As I think about the coming year ahead, I’m struck with how much change this year will bring for my family and me. I will need words this year that reflect this change.  What words could I pick that would reflect the changes coming and help me with my mindset during these changes?  After some reflection, I decided on a phrase: embracing evolution.  

I have never been one to enjoy change.  In fact, I’m quite change-averse.  I settle into my routines and derive comfort from knowing what to expect. Every year brings changes, some we can anticipate and others that are unexpected.  But, as I look toward this year, I know there will be huge changes coming.

As I look to the transformations ahead, I know they will disrupt my routines and change our family dynamics. But, as the days pass, I wonder, is there a way I can look at these changes in a more positive light? 

Instead of thinking about these transitions as changes, I have been contemplating the idea of evolution.  No, not the theory of evolution in science, but rather the evolution in our lives.  This evolution represents an opportunity to expand, change, and reevaluate. So rather than avoiding the changes while they happen anyway, can I think about them differently?  What if I viewed them not as endings but as moments of evolution?


Some changes happen quickly in our lives, and others are more of a gradual shift.  As I look towards my year ahead, there will be an evolution process, which will also be punctuated by moments of distinct change.  

If we look beyond the scientific theory of evolution, what does the word actually mean?

Some definitions of evolution (from Webster’s) include:

  • a process of change in a certain direction
  • a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state 
  • a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance
  • the process of working out or developing

As I look forward to this year, it will be one of evolution in many areas of my life. These changes are coming, and it is up to me to define how I will approach them. What other words can I think about as I walk into this year of evolution?

Some synonyms for evolution include:

  • development
  • growth
  • progress
  • expansion
  • progression
  • maturation
  • advancement
  • enhancement
  • blossoming
  • flourishing

Those words emphasize the positivity of evolution and provide me with intentional ways to think about the changes ahead.  This will be a year of growth for me personally and professionally.  It will be a year of maturation for my son, who will graduate and turn 18.  It will be a year of professional blossoming as my book is published.  And I hope it will be a year of flourishing for my family as we enter a new relationship phase.


These evolutions are coming, so how will I handle them?  The word embrace quickly comes to mind because I love the alliteration and the feelings the word evokes inside of me.

Definitions of Embrace: 

  • to clasp in the arms 
  • to take up especially readily or gladly
  • to avail oneself of (welcome)
  • to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive whole

Yes, I would like to take hold of these changes in my life gladly.  I want to welcome them and include them in my life with positivity and joy.

Synonyms to embrace:

  • hug
  • clasp
  • enfold
  • cultivate
  • adopt
  • incorporate
  • assimilate
  • cherish
  • nurture
  • foster
  • welcome
  • enjoy
  • receive
  • integrate

What would it look like if I cherished the changes coming? How can I assimilate them into my life? Can I welcome the new roles I will have as I change from being a mom of boys to a mom of young men? What does it look like to integrate my new role as an author into my life?

Embracing evolution is a phrase I can keep in mind as my life shifts this year.  When I long to seek comfort in what once was, I can aspire to welcome and receive the growth.

How will I embrace evolution?

How we do things can be just as important as doing the things themselves.

I can cook dinner for my family joyfully, angrily, reluctantly, or purposefully.  I’m completing the same task, but my feelings and mindset differ in each instance.  When I put on music and cook joyfully, my memories of that task are very different than when I’m frustrated about doing it. My memories are feeling-driven, so the mood I cultivate during the event is essential.

As I think about embracing evolution, I can also think about how I would like to feel during this process.

Some of these include:

  • joyfully
  • purposefully
  • gratefully
  • serenely
  • hopefully
  • enthusiastically
  • cheerfully
  • passionately
  • freely
  • tranquilly
  • mindfully

There’s great purpose in learning different words to describe our emotions. I’ve found great power in naming the feelings I’m experiencing.  It helps me connect with the sensations I’m experiencing and share those feelings with my loved ones. I have written a post on four of my favorite “feeling books” if you’re interested in learning more about the power of our emotions and how to talk about them.

As I enter this year, I will embrace evolution joyfully, purposefully, and hopefully.  This intention gives me a positive way to frame the changes coming this year in our home. Rather than dreading the end of an era, I can look forward with enthusiasm and gratitude. 

As you look ahead to the year dawning, how will you approach it? Rather than setting up goals that will be tossed aside within a few weeks, can you take some time and think about whom you’d like to be this year and how you’ll approach the inevitable challenges as they arise?

I’d love to hear about your words or phrases, so feel free to share them with me!

Jennifer is the author of "A Breast Cancer Journey: Living it One Step at a Time," breast cancer survivor, and patient advocate. Her book, published in 2023 by Bold Story Press, is an encouraging guide for breast cancer patients. It contains first-hand information, organized by topics, to help readers navigate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from breast cancer. Her writing emphasizes emotional, mental, and physical well-being along with empowered decision-making.

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