3 Reasons to Schedule a Midday Break
A midday break is a key tool to help you make it through your day. Going nonstop without intentional pauses can be a recipe for overwhelm and emotional upset. We need to schedule a midday break so that we can rest, refresh, and reset for the rest of the day.
Do you end your day feeling spent and overwhelmed? Is getting to dinner and bedtime like running a marathon? I get it! I have been there! And some days, it is still a huge challenge to remain positive and encouraging all throughout the day. We all need a midday break!
Today, we are going to talk about 3 reasons you need to schedule an afternoon break.
- Rest
- Refresh
- Reset
This time needs to be scheduled!
Or, it won't happen....
When one o’clock rolls around every day, you can usually find me in my favorite spot, curled up with my iPad, drinking a cup of coffee, and taking a midday break.
If I’m not there, chances are I’m trying to finish up, so I can take that break.
When my kids were little, they would nap. Oh glorious nap time, how I miss you… The house would get quiet, and I could nap, or read.
But, kids don’t nap forever..
Once we started homeschooling, I tried to finish our lessons before lunch, so I could take that break. But, then my boys got older, and there was no way to finish school before one!
So what’s a mom to do?
I still desired a break, but there was no obvious stopping point for me during my day. Mentally, my brain needed the break after teaching all morning, and my patience typically would not last much past lunch time. I felt guilty, because I just wanted to finish my work before taking a break. Sure, I let the kids take recesses, but I would work through them, filing papers, doing dishes, or logging lesson progress. I’m an adult, why do I need a recess?
Turns out, I do need a recess, and you probably do too!
If I didn’t take a midday break, I turned into a grumpy mom for the rest of the day. The naps had provided a natural recess in the middle of the day, but now that they were older, it was up to me to plan my own midday break time.
So, I started taking a longer midday break after lunch. The boys could have a longer recess, and I made myself an afternoon cup of coffee. The ritual of the coffee gave me the mental speed bump I needed to slow down, and nourish my soul in the middle of the day, so I was ready for whatever adventures we had in the afternoon.
As the boys have grown, I have maintained this midday coffee break ritual. The boys no longer need structured recess time throughout the day, but they have learned the power of breaking up their academic learning with more active tasks such as physical activity and chores. When their brains need a break, they get up from their computer to do something different.
Scheduling a midday break gives me the needed time to rest, refresh, and reset for the next part of my day!
The one o’clock break has provided me with a much needed place for rest in my day.
I can have a very busy morning, filled with home chores and errands, but I always know that I can count on a time of rest right after lunch.
I make sure to find a comfortable spot, and just try to relax for a little while. Whether you are working at home, teaching your kids, doing homemaking tasks, or running errands, can I encourage you to schedule a time for rest in your day?
We all get weary in this life, and it is refreshing to note that God understands this – Matthew 11:28 says “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” I come to my breaks tired and spent, but by resting, just a little bit, I find that my body and my spirit are renewed.
Sometimes, I end up taking a brief nap on the couch with my beagle, and other times I just enjoy reading a fun book. But it is a time for me to slow down and rest.
Where can you find a resting point in your day? I’d encourage you to be creative and note when your natural energy starts to lag. Then, if possible, make that time your break time.
The mid-day break is an ideal time to refresh yourself before embarking on the next part of your day.
I enjoy making myself an afternoon cup of coffee after my lunch. I find that I am able to sustain my energy better throughout the afternoon and evening with the help of some caffeine!
But, I make sure that I don’t drink any caffeine after 3 PM because it will make it impossible to go to sleep.
If you are a coffee or tea drinker, then make yourself a nice cup and then do something you love during this break. Perhaps you read a book, or play a video game, or sit outside. Maybe you decide to go for a little walk to refresh yourself after your rest time.
This is a great time to do something fun for yourself. It will energize you for the rest of your day. Maybe you have a favorite hobby that you could do during this time. Could you call a friend to chat?
Try different activities and see what is most refreshing for you! This should be a pleasant time for you to get ready for the rest of your day.
The last component of your mid-day break is to reset your objectives for the rest of the day.
Take a little bit of time to reflect on how the morning went for you. Did you get the items checked off the list that you had hoped to? How did your morning routine go?
If things went south this morning, it is ok! This is a time to reset your goals and objectives for the rest of your day.
Maybe you start your afternoon finishing up some morning tasks. In fact, I have some dishes to tackle in the kitchen just as soon as I get done with this post! I usually try to get the hand washing done in the morning, but things came up this morning and I didn’t get to it. No worries, I can get to them this afternoon!
This is also a great time to check on your child’s progress on school. What lessons got completed in the morning? Do you need to assist your child with any learning tasks? Take a few minutes to check in and make sure you complete the school day strong!
Using your break to reset can help you maintain focus throughout the afternoon and evening.
A mid-day break is an important key that can help you rest, refresh, and reset for the rest of your day. How do you schedule breaks in your day? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments!
Jennifer Douglas
Jennifer is the author of "A Breast Cancer Journey: Living it One Step at a Time," breast cancer survivor, and patient advocate. Her book, published in 2023 by Bold Story Press, is an encouraging guide for breast cancer patients. It contains first-hand information, organized by topics, to help readers navigate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from breast cancer. Her writing emphasizes emotional, mental, and physical well-being along with empowered decision-making.

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I think that this is excellent advice, if only workplaces gave us time to do that as well, right?
Jennifer Douglas
Thank you! I think there are ways to make our breaks more restful even in the workplace! Perhaps we take a walk after we eat or we find a quiet place in the office to read? It may be more challenging, but I think we can be creative to find ways to recharge in the middle of a day of work at the office! That is, when we are allowed to return to the office after the pandemic…. Until then, we can rest, recharge, and reset at home…
Mary Stephens
I am a BIG fan of the mid day break. Ever since my kids gave up naps we do “Quiet Time” in the middle of the day. They are now in high school and homeschooled and we STILL do it. lol
Jennifer Douglas
So glad to hear I’m not the only one who needs a break in the day!!! It is a sanity saver for us all 🙂