Dressing Beautifully Every Day for Well-Being
One of the things that I try to do every day to support my well-being is to dress beautifully. It is a small thing that I do to support my overall well-being.
Virtual School: When Do You Call In Sick ?
In the virtual school and homeschool learning environment, it can get challenging to figure out when to call in sick. As a learning coach, when am I too sick to supervise? When are my kids too sick to do school? There are times when a sick day is needed, even when we are learning at home.
A Retreat from the Chaos
Sometimes we need to retreat from the chaos of our days. When you’ve just about had enough, what do you do? Do you have a retreat?
Ask For Help When You Need It!
How are you doing about asking for help? Do you ask your family for help when you need it? Or do you go into martyr mode and get grumpy?
3 Keys for Dealing with Strong Emotions
Strong Emotions can come on quickly and can knock us off balance. Today I want to share with you 3 keys to dealing with strong emotions that I have been using to walk through this challenging time.
How to Understand Your Mammogram Results
In order to advocate for the best possible care, you need to understand your mammogram results. What is a Bi-Rads? What does your score mean for your care?
5 Enemies to Emotional Stamina
Today, we're going to talk about the 5 enemies to emotional stamina that can crop up in our lives. What are they, and how can we work to avoid them and remain centered throughout our day?
3 Reasons to Schedule a Midday Break
Do you end your day feeling spent and overwhelmed? Is getting to dinner and bedtime like running a marathon? I get it! I have been there! And some days, it is still a huge challenge to remain positive and encouraging all throughout the day. We all need a mid-day break! Today, we are going to talk about 3 reasons you…
Intentional Inputs: Avoiding News Overwhelm
We live in a time when our phones buzz with something new every few minutes. It is possible to find out what is happening in the world just by typing a few words into a search bar. The news comes to us with push notifications. How do we remain focused and keep our inputs intentional throughout the day?