Experiencing the Power of Community with the PreludeDx Team
When I stepped into the PreludeDx Sales Meeting, I expected to give a talk. What I didn’t expect was to feel like part of a team. This experience reminded me just how powerful patient communities can be—and how companies that truly listen to patients can make a real impact.
Breast Cancer & Natural Disasters: Resource Guide
A breast cancer a natural disaster resource guide designed to help you access resources and get the help you're looking for.
My DCISionRT Test Results: A Radiation Reflection Five Years in the Making
I was diagnosed with DCIS in 2019 at age 41 and chose a lumpectomy followed by radiation. With the information I had during my decision-making process, radiation made sense. At the time, I didn’t know about DCISionRT.
Vaginal Estrogen: Low Dose, High Impact
It is one thing to write about how vaginal estrogen can be safe and highly effective. It quite another thing to experience it first-hand!
My Favorite Post-Lumpectomy Bra (even years after breast cancer)
It has been years since my lumpectomy and I still wear my Molly Plunge Bra. It's excellent for recovery, radiation treatment, and life after breast cancer.
Enhancing Early-Stage Breast Cancer Survivorship: Updated Guidance From ASCO
What is the latest in early-stage breast cancer survivorship? In May 2024, ASCO—the American Society for Clinical Oncology—updated its educational book in light of the newest technologies and research. This educational book is free and available for anyone to read!
Getting Organized During Breast Cancer: Keeping Track of the Details
How can we keep track of all the details during our breast cancer treatment? In this sponsored post with Healthgrades, I share my organizational tips with you.
Happy Birthday to “A Breast Cancer Journey: Living It One Step at a Time”
May 23, 2024, marks the one-year birthday of " A Breast Cancer Journey: Living It One Step at a Time.” How is it possible that it has already been a year? I'm not sure, but I couldn’t let this important date pass by without acknowledging it!
What I Took Home From NCoBC 2024
At some point during my weekend at the National Consortium of Breast Center’s (NCOBC) Annual conference, my hand wouldn’t stop aching. I’m not sure if it was the book signing or the copious notes I was taking during the conference sessions. It was probably both.
Inspirational Keynotes at NCoBC 2024
In March 2024, I attended the NCOBC annual conference with MOLLI Surgical and I was inspired by the keynotes on Saturday and Sunday!