Poise: Gracefully Prepared- My Third Word of Focus and Intention
My third word of intention and focus for the year is poise. Poise means that I strive to be gracefully prepared for what comes my way.
My Second Word of Intention and Focus for the Year: Presence
My second word of intention and focus for the year is presence. Presence will guide me to more intentional choices with my attention.
Words of Focus and Intention for the New Year
Instead of making a list of resolutions that won’t last through the end of January, consider the practice of choosing words of intention and focus to guide you through the new year.
It’s Been Two Years Since I Finished DCIS Treatment-It feels Like Forever Ago, and Just Yesterday
Two years ago today, I walked out of my last radiation treatment for DCIS. It feels like forever ago and just yesterday.
Reunited: A Thanksgiving Reflection on Parenting
Thanksgiving reflection on the purpose of parenting, savoring the moments, and the joy of reunification. It is worth it.
25 Things I’d Tell Myself Before My Lumpectomy
It's been two years since my DCIS diagnosis, lumpectomy, and radiation treatment. Here are 25 things that I'd tell myself before my lumpectomy.
Treatment Text Shortcuts in iOS: A Quick and Easy Way to Update Your Cancer Support Team
Treatment text shortcuts in iOS are an easy way to write an update once and then share it in many different ways. By creating a treatment text shortcut on your iPhone or iPad, you can access your latest treatment update all across your Apple devices with just a few keystrokes.
Change the Environment: How a $6 “Red Thing” Solved a Big Problem in the Kitchen
How a $6 red thing in the sink solved a big problem in our kitchen. Change the environment to inspire change in others.
A Cancer Diagnosis is Shocking- It is Okay to Have Strong Feelings
A cancer diagnosis of any stage or type is shocking. In one split second, we go from getting some routine scans to being a cancer patient. Strong feelings come with the territory.
Persisting Towards a Diagnosis: From Carpal Tunnel to a Herniated Disc
Adventures in Self-Advocacy-- The real reason my fingers were numb was a herniated disc in my spine, not carpal tunnel.